Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tennis Elbow Brace - Introduction

( Tennis Elbow Brace )

Tennis Elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitisis an extremely common injury that originally got its name because it is a frequent tennis injury, appearing in a large proportion of tennis players. Nevertheless it commonly manifests in a vast proportion of people who do not play tennis at all. Lateral epicondylitis occurs most commonly in the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle at approximately 2cm below the outer edge of the elbow joint or lateral epicondyle of the humerus bone.

Specific inflammation is rarely present in the tendon but there is an increase in pain receptors in the area making the region extremely tender.

Signs and symptoms of tennis elbow / lateral epicondylitis

* Pain about 1-2 cm down from bony area at the outside of the elbow (lateral epicondyle)
* Weakness in the wrist with difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door handle or shaking hands with someone.
* Pain on the outside of the elbow when the hand is bent back (extended) at the wrist against resistance.
* Pain on the outside of the elbow when trying to straighten the fingers against resistance.
* Pain when pressing (palpating) just below the lateral epicondyle on the outside of the elbow
Actually there are 2 additional strain related which always mistaken for Tennis Elbow. They are Golfer's Elbow and Bursitis. So, what are the differents? We will cover this story in the next post..
( Tennis Elbow Brace )

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